Things to Come
Again, I have neglected this blog. Partly because life is life, partly because I was unsure what I wanted to post about and partly because I’m lazy. I can’t fix life, and I can’t fix my laziness - I’m too damn old for that one - but I do have some ideas on where I want to go with this blog.
I will give the occasional post about life. There are many things to come with life this year. Elisa and I are going to hit thirty-five years of wedded bliss and will celebrate with a cruise later. Clayton and I are going to Houston to watch the Astros and Braves in April. And I will be continuing my study of chess.
But the main thing I plan to blog about is blogging. I go through the various technologies I am using to build this site. My hope is that I can give a formula for how to build ones own blog. I will go over each of the components I’m using -
I’m sure I’ve missed something but when done, I hope to have a complete guide on how to get started.
I also will be posting more whiskey and wine content, but that is enough for today.